Thank you for applying to participate in an SPEAKEASY INTENSIVE (an “SI”) hosted by the TALK BOUTIQUE INC. (“TBI”). By submitting your application to participate in an SI, you confirm your intent to participate in THE SI and acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to these SPEAKEASY INTENSIVE Participation Terms and Conditions (the “Enrollment Agreement”), which apply to both your registration and your attendance. FOR CLARITY, BY SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION YOU CONFIRM THAT, IF TALK BOUTIQUE APPROVES YOUR APPLICATION AND SELECTS YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN A SI, YOU WILL PAY TBI [$8,995.00 CDN] (the “Registration Fee”), SUBJECT TO THE TERMS SET OUT BELOW.
Additionally, you confirm that if your application is approved by TBI and you are selected to participate in the SI, you will agree to other comprehensive terms and conditions applicable to the SI provided in advance of the SI.
The full [$6,995.00 CDN] fee is due and payable within 30 calendar days from the date of TBI’s approval of your application (the “Final Payment Deadline”). Fees for any SI are non-refundable. If full payment is not received by TBIs by the Final Payment Deadline, TBI may choose, at its sole discretion, to deem your application cancelled, and your seat at the designated SI may be offered to someone else.
1. Assuming you have paid in full for the designated SI by the Final Payment Deadline, and need to cancel or postpone your attendance at an SI, you may do so, but only under the following conditions:
• You may cancel your registration at any time with notice to TBI. Your paid fees will be forfeited.
• If TBI receives your request to postpone your attendance at an SI (“Extension Request”) with a minimum of 60 calendar days prior to the start of the designated SI, TBI will endeavor to honor your Extension Request and allow you to attend a SI at a later date subject to availability and anticipated demand, and in its discretion, apply 100% of your paid fees to the agreed future SI.
• If TBI receives your Extension Request between 31-60 calendar days prior to the start of the designated SI, TBI will endeavor to honor your Extension Request and allow you to attend a SI at a later date subject to availability and anticipated demand, but only up to a maximum of 50% of your paid fees may be applied to the agreed future SI. You will have 60 calendar days to make full payment of the remaining 50%.
• If TBI receives your Extension Request 30 (or less) calendar days prior to the start of the designated SI, or TBI is otherwise not able to honor your request, your paid fees will be forfeited.
2. If after an extension has been granted, and you fail to make timely payment or you cancel your registration at any time, you will forfeit all paid fees.
3. Registrations are specific to you, are non-transferable, and do not cover any guests.
TBI may, at its own discretion, cancel any SI with 21 calendar days’ notice for any reason. If TBI cancels a SI, at your option, TBI will refund to you in full all paid fees, or you may make an Extension Request.
All payments submitted on your behalf are subject to the TBI finance department’s verification. In the event of a dispute regarding whether you have made a payment, you must provide a copy of all supporting documentation via email to TBI finance department within three business days of receiving such request.
TBI may contact and/or send communications to you from time to time in conjunction with the SI and other TBI programs. Such communications may be in the form of (a) an email sent to an address you provided or (b) through other means including mobile number, telephone, or mail. Communications may include, but not be limited to, program announcements, marketing materials, and updates or changes regarding the program. You agree that TBI may share your account information (such as name and email address) with third parties working with TBI in connection with TBI programs.